O ardaloedd nefol hyfryd

(Golwg ffydd ar y nefol drigfanau)
O ardaloedd nefol hyfryd,
Draw'r Iorddonen, tîr y bywyd;
  Gwlad lle mae fy hen gyfeillion,
  Wedi dianc o'u trallodion:
Nid oes lludded, chwaith na blino,
Ar y pererinion yno;
     Gyd â'u Ner, uwch y ser,
     Heb flinder na thrallod,
  A'u holl gadwynau wedi dattod,
  Yn rhydd i oesoedd maith diddarfod.

Nid yw'r llygaid heddyw'n gweled
Dim a'u harwain i gaethiwed;
  Nid yw'r serch byth yn enynu,
  At un dim na thâl ei garu:
Ac ni raid ofni'r
      cystudd chwerw,
Croes ragluniaeth byth na marw;
    Y mae'r byd, oll i gyd,
    A'i ynfyd deganau,
  Wedi rhedeg o'u meddyliau,
  Wrth gael ergyd marwol angau.

'Rwyf fi'n myn'd i wlad i drigo,
Lle mae glowy hêdd yn llifo;
  At gyfeillion mîl mwy hawddgar,
  Na neb a welwyd ar y ddaear:
Lle mae cyfoeth pur, diddarfod,
Pleser gwiw, heb friw na thrallod,
    Gydâ'r llu, sanctaidd sy,
    Yn canu i f'Anwylyd,
  Ac yn ymborthi ar wleddoedd hyfryd,
  Fyth, ac fyth yn nhîr y bywyd.

Bellach, gorfoledda'n hyfryd, 
'R wyt ar ddianc o'th galed-fyd;
  Fe agorwyd rhydau'r afon,
  Mae'r Arch yn myn'd o'th flaen yn union;
Cadw afael pan ddel galwad,
Gadarn ar yr Arch-offeiriad:
    Dos i'r dw'r, cryf yw'r gwr,
    Mae'n siwr o dy dderbyn,
  Ti âi drosodd y'mhen gronyn,
  I mewn i'r nefol wlad ddiderfyn.

'Rwy' bron a gorphen fy holl yrfa,
Derfydd yfed dyfroedd Mara;
  Pob cwpanaid wy'n ei yfed,
  Sy'n fy ngwneuthur yn fwy addfed:
Fe ddaw'r dydd caf rydd orphwyso,
Derfydd galar, draw ac wylo;
    Yn y tir nefol clir,
    Y gwelir fy enaid,
  Wedi dianc o'i gaethiwed,
  Yn moli'r Oen,
        heb boen na lludded.
Yn rhydd i :: 'N rhydd i
Ac ni rhaid ofni :: Nid raid ofni
Yr wyt ar ddianc :: 'R wyt ar ddianc
Mae'r Arch yn :: Yr Arch sy'n
'Rwy' bron a gorphen :: 'R wyf bron gorphen
Wedi dianc o'i gaethiwed, :: 'R holl gadwynau wedi dattod
Yn moli'r Oen, heb boen na lludded :: 'N rhydd i oesoedd maith diddarfod

Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

[Mesur: a elwir
Ymadawiad y Brenin / King's Farewell]

  Bellach gorfoledda'n hyfryd
  'R wyf fi'n myn'd i wlad i drigo

(The view of faith on the heavenly dwellings)
O delightful heavenly regions,
Across the Jordan, the land of life;
  A country where my old friend are,
  Having escaped from their tribulations:
There is no corruption, nor even wearying,
On the pilgrims there;
    With their Master, above the stars,
    Without weariness or tribulation,
  And all their chains having being undone,
  Free for vast unending ages.

The eyes today are not seeing
Anything that leads them into captivity;
  The desire is never kindling,
  Toward anything it does not pay to love:
And there is no need to fear the
      bitter affliction,
The cross of providence shall never die;
    All the world, has altogether,
    With its foolish toys,
  Run out of their thoughts,
  On getting a mortal blow of death.

I am going to a land to climb,
Where shining peace is flowing;
  To friends a thousand times more amiable,
  That anyone was seen on the earth:
Where there is pure, undying wealth,
Worthy pleasure, without wound or trouble,
    With the sacred throng that is,
    Singing to my Beloved,
  And feeding on delightful feasts,
  Forever and ever, in the country of life.

Now, rejoice thou delightfully,
Thou are about to escape from thy hardship;
  The fords of the river were opened,
  The Ark is going before thee directly;
Keep a grasp when thou hear a call,
Firm upon the Chief High Priest:
    Come to the water, strong is the man,
    He is sure to receive thee,
  Thou shalt go across in a little while,
  Into the boundless heavenly land.

I have almost finished all my course,
Drinking the waters of Mara shall cease;
  Every I am drinking,
  Is making me more mature:
The day shall come when I may freely lie,
Mourning shall cease, yonder and weeping;
    In the clear, heavenly country,
    My soul is to be seen,
  Having escaped from its captivity,
  Praising the Lamb,
        without pain or weariness.
And there is no need to fear :: There is no need to fear
Having escaped from its captivity, :: All the chains having undone
Praising the Lamb, without pain or weariness :: Free for vast unending ages

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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